Doran (2021):
Blogger Comments:
To be clear, the additional claim here is that the previously top-right empty cell — the intersection of the factors [non-linear, non-nuclear, non-iterative] — is exemplified by relational clauses without a Process and the Sundanese verbal group.
[1] With regard to the relational clauses, this is inconsistent even within Doran's own model, because these clauses do have a nucleus, since the nucleus comprises the Medium as well as the Process, and these clauses do have a Medium: Identified in identifying clauses, and Carrier in attributive clauses.
[2] With regard to the Sundanese verbal group, the categorisation rests on Doran's claim that the Event function is optional, and confusions such as looking for dependency (logical structure) in an experiential analysis that is not consistent with SFL Theory: